PaySpace Training

Africa Compliance Training 

Africa Compliance Training is customised for the user who requires a fundamental understanding of a country’s payroll legislation. The content covered in this course, will empower the user to ustilise the functionalities pertaining to the country as a tax authority on PaySpace, thereby ensuring a legislatively compliant payroll.

Who should attend

It is recommended that users attend Essentials Training before Africa Compliance Training.

Africa Compliance Training

The content will be customised based on the country’s legislative payroll requirements. Course content will address the following:

  • An overview of the Country
  • A summary of Country Specific Payrol Legislation
  • Legislative Reporting
  • Application of the Legislation on PaySpace, including the configuration required on Company Level and the processing necessary on Employee Level

More information

Virtual Learning

Book your seat today

Kindly note that your training request is booked when you receive a training confirmation. Alternative training dates will be advised by the Training Administrator for fully booked training sessions.

Select a date below to register.
PaySpace Training