PaySpace Training

Employment Tax Incentive Training

Course Overview

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) program, focusing on its basic principles, eligibility criteria, and calculation methods. Participants will learn about the ETI program’s impact on employers and employees and how to utilise the ETI toolkit effectively. Through practical examples and case studies, participants will develop the necessary skills to navigate the ETI system and optimise their tax incentives.  

Who should attend

  • Customers who utilise ETI in their business
  • Business Partners

Employment Tax Incentive Basic Principles Training Course Outline

What you will learn

  • Understand the purpose of Employment Tax Incentives (ETI).
  • Identify the relevant fields applied during the extended ETI relief periods.
  • Classify if an employer is eligible to claim ETI.
  • Qualify an employee for ETI based on the relevant criteria.
  • Apply the Wage Qualifying Test, including component configuration.
  • Define monthly remuneration and configure relevant components of ETI.
  • Understand the significance of qualifying periods when using ETI and setting up the components.
  • Calculate ETI in weekly and monthly frequencies using the ETI Calculator.
  • Apply the ETI Override Components in relevant scenarios.
  • Extract EMP501 ETI Breakdown and Component Variance Report to validate ETI data.
  • Apply the Toolkit to assist customers with support queries and new implementations.

Employment Tax Incentive ETI Take on Training Course Outline

What you will learn

ETI Take On: 

  • Apply guidelines for processing an ETI Take On before the first live run.
  • Update the Note Component and ETI Period Count when the first live run is in March.
  • Apply corrections using Bulk Actions, specifically the Employee ETI Take On action type.

ETI Data Validation: 

  • Extract relevant reports to validate ETI data for year-to-date take-ons and ETI data displayed on the Payslip Edit Screen.
  • CSV Tax File and Tax Codes:
  • Understand the tax codes included for ETI data in the CSV Tax File.

More information

Some of our training is in-person and others virtual, be sure to read below to understand what options are available to you.

Book your seat today

Kindly note that your training request is booked when you receive a training confirmation. Alternative training dates will be advised by the Training Administrator for fully booked training sessions.

Select a date below to register.
PaySpace Training